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復活節快樂!Happy Easter!

復活節快樂!Happy Easter!


下載著色稿 https://reurl.cc/zl42be

讓我們學習一些與復活節相關的單字Let's learn some Easter vocabularies. 
1. 兔子 - bunny 
2. 蛋 - egg 
3. 花 - flower 
4. 巧克力 - chocolate 
5. 籃子 - basket 
6. 春天 - spring 
7. 尋找 - hunt 
8. 糖果 - candy 
9. 星期日 - sunday 
10. 慶祝 - celebration 

現在,讓我們享受一個短篇復活節故事And now, njoyort Easter story:
    On Easter morning, Tommy Bunny woke up happy. He hopped to the garden and found colorful eggs. Tommy even found a big chocolate egg! He climbed on top and spun around. His friends joined in, and they rolled the egg together. When they cracked it open, they found yummy treats! They ate and shared stories until the sun went down. It was the best Easter ever!
    在復活節早晨,小兔子 Tommy 醒來後很開心。他跳到花園,找到了彩色的蛋。Tommy 還找到了一顆巨大的巧克力蛋!他爬上去開心地旋轉著。朋友們一起加入,他們一起滾著蛋。當他們將彩蛋打開時,裡面有美味的零食!他們一直吃著,分享著故事,直到太陽落山。這是有史以來最棒的復活節!

復活節相關句子Let's learn some Easter sentences.
1. May your Easter be filled with joy and blessings. 願你的復活節充滿喜悅和祝福。
2. Wishing you a wonderful Easter surrounded by loved ones. 祝你在摯愛的人圍繞下度過美好的復活節。
3. May the spirit of Easter fill your heart with happiness. 願復活節的精神充滿你的心靈,帶來幸福。
4. May your Easter basket be filled with happiness and blessings. 願你的復活節籃子充滿幸福和祝福。
5. Sending warm Easter wishes to you and your loved ones. 祝你和你的摯愛的人收到溫暖的復活節祝福。

1. 復活節活動企劃案連結: https://reurl.cc/M4LneL
2. 復活節彩蛋提籃學習單Easter Basket DIY連結: https://reurl.cc/D4L7VO
3. 復活節花環學習單Easter Wreath DIY連結: https://reurl.cc/zl4L9V
4. 復活節找字活動學習單Easter Word Search連結: https://reurl.cc/77LNQb
5. 復活節教學單字PPT連結: https://reurl.cc/aL8gKD
6. 其他活動企劃建議連結: 

Celebrate the joy of Easter with us! 